segunda-feira, outubro 27, 2014

Presidential election in BRAZIL - October 26 th, 2014

Dilma Rousseff (PT - Worker Party) versus Aécio Neves (PSDB - social democratic Party)

Unfortunatelly PT won and I lost... but brazilian people lost still more.
I'm not tucano, I'm not hawk-carcará!
So I've voted for the lesser of two Evils.
There is a rift after that so polarized election, North (retrograde) versus South (in progress).
Rousseff said some magic words after balloting counting: - Now, we must to keep the Union! We must to punish corrupt politicians. We must to sanitize the Petrobras! I want to talk with my political opponents!
But who believe in that leftist highly suspect of bribe and corruption? Besides, is it still possible?
Really, I do not know!

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