sábado, dezembro 09, 2017

Warship in rough seas

My warship during a storm

Really the Sea is not for sissies!

During the middle of afternoon, in South Atlantic I looked at the Sea through the bow and I could feel the weather would change in half-hour or less. There was a storm blowing up in front us… the sun vanished from sight behind the dark clouds, the wind blow so hard and the waves became high and high. Suddenly we were caught in a terrible storm on the high seas! Someone could ask: - And were you scared? Of course I was. But after a quarter I felt the warship was behaved so good, the crew was brave and the Captain was a qualified Old Salt. So I kicked my fears out and rose to the bridge where I could see all the fight, at bow – very big waves slammed against the hull, with a boring noise. Iron, steel, machines and men against the angry Nature! But the warship rode the billows as a bold cowboy tamed a savage mustang in a rodeo. After an hour the storm calmed down… Really we won! 

LT-MD A. Zullino 
South Atlantic

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