domingo, janeiro 17, 2021



Is Nazism left or right wing?


Nazism and Marxism are two monsters produced by extreme (radical) Socialism. There are many adjective differences between them, but there are only two substantive differences. The first is that Nazism stimulated the racial struggle (Germans against Gypsies, Jews, Slavs, etc.) and Marxism stimulated the class struggle (poor versus rich). The second important difference is that Marxism nationalized private property, the means of production and the farms, while the Nazism used to control by tutelage. The German capitalists chose to support Nazism, because for them tutored property was less bad than the total loss of property. Moreover Nazism was not a simple translation from Italian Fascism to German, but very worse of it.

The division between right and left is an inheritance of the French Revolution and in my opinion is quite anachronous nowadays. However, if one likes a lot the political concept of right and left I can say: - Marxism is far-left and Nazism is a mixed with far-right and far-left ideas. Both are always against Democracy, quite corrupt and genocidal.

Tutored property = III Reich say to you what you can do, how much you must make and put limits in the product price.

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